Sarah Calcutt



Please click here for examples of my work.

I have a passion for working with lino printing; rooted firmly in the processes involved with this art. I find the act of carving my blocks to be really cathartic – an action that simultaneously takes a lot of concentration whilst allowing space to be mindful and present due to the nature of the carving. The printing element offers a real “reveal” type of reward, and I often feel like my prints are a secret until I pull them from the block and see how they’ve turned out.

I’m printing from my home in Sheffield, and I use a baren to hand print my designs, which makes the journey feel incredibly personal.

I’ve found that music that I enjoy and landscapes that make me feel at home really inspire me to carve. I’ve printed a few bits and pieces for musicians, and it’s something I’d love to do more of in the future.

Visual artists that I admire include Kid Acne (who’s created some iconic pieces in Sheffield) and Error! Design (an artist that’s created some incredible designs for musicians).

I’m excited to be a part of Sheffield Printmakers and to continue to learn and develop as a printer.

Please click on any image below for more details.
