Welcome to Sheffield Printmakers

We are an eclectic group of printmakers, from Sheffield and surrounding areas, young and older, experienced and new to printmaking. Members use a wide range of printmaking techniques to produce original, handmade prints and one of our aims is to spread the news about how exciting printmaking is as an art form. This, through holding exhibitions, fairs, mixed events, promotional stalls and demonstrations, as well meeting to swap ideas and practices. Please find more information about S.P on our ‘about us’ page and find our programme for this year on our events page.

Our Next Event

Click on the ‘members gallery‘ to see the featured image of each of our members. Click on the members featured image to browse their individual gallery, together with information about their history, their inspirations and the various techniques that they use.

Please also find information about printmaking practices, techniques, tips and hints on our ‘Printing Processes ‘ page.

Examples of collagraph plates.
Peter York demonstrating how to make a lino print .