Minutes of A.G.M. April 2023

Minutes of Sheffield Printmakers Annual General Meeting.

Thursday 6th April 2023


Janet Beautyman, Jenny Bowden, Sally Brooks, Sarah Burgess, SJ Cooper-Knock, 

Cath Dunn, Catherine Harnett, Katharine Holland, Eva Juusola, Francis Lewis, Jo Pye, Caroline Quincey, Val Vernon.

Members Present

Jean Brookes, Barbara Goodchild, Linda Green, Angela Harpham, Jay Johnson, Maude Tricker, Susan Unwin, Peter York.

Annetta Lambert. Ex-officio secretary.  Annetta, who is sister to the current co-chair, Jean Brookes, took the minutes at this meeting. She took notes and also recorded the meeting on her mobile phone, to be used for checking later. The recording will be erased when it has been used. This was all explained to the members present before the commencement of the meeting.

Jean Brookes also assured the members present that this meeting would be brief.


1. Address by Peter York

This opening address was to be made by Jean Brookes, current Co-chair, but under the     current circumstances Peter York spoke in her stead.

 Peter gave a brief eulogy on the passing of Mike Pye, our honorary treasurer, who passed away on the morning of April 4th 2023. He said Mike had been a conscientious treasurer  for the last 4 /5 years who enjoyed his work for the group and that he would leave a  massive hole within Sheffield Printmakers. Peter was pleased that a few weeks ago Mike celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary with Jo and all his family, who were very close.

Jean spoke briefly saying that she has known Mike only for the last year but she commented on his efficiency and his humour. She said that Mike was a truly charming gentleman, and that he was a good friend to Sheffield Printmaker, giving abundantly of his time and his skills.

We will miss him.

Jean proposed that Sheffield Printmakers should send a collective card of condolence to Jo   and her family. This was agreed.

2. Treasurer’s Report

Out of sequence Jean Brookes discussed a summary of Sheffield Printmakers accounts prepared by Mike Pye for the AGM. This summary had previously been sent to members.

It was read and approved.

3. Minutes of last AGM/ Outcomes of last general meeting on March 7th 2023.

After a discussion with Peter, Jean  decided not to read out the AGM minutes from 2022, to keep this meeting brief. The members present agreed. The document will be  lodged in the members area of the website. Any member who feels that there are matters arising from this AGM can contact the steering committee.

Jean did note one possible issue arising from last year’s minutes, in that there was discussion about buying a portable press. General discussion ensued about the viability of such a purchase and about presses generally. No conclusions were made.

The following important outcomes from the General Meeting on March 7th 2003 were outlined by Jean.

a.We agreed that the protocol for the run up to exhibitions should stand and be reviewed at the end of the year. The main points of this were:-

  • Applications for inclusion in the event were to be made in writing (email) by the deadline. If requested payment to be made at this time.
  • Our exhibitions should be open to all members who want to take part.
  • For the major external exhibition at the Sock Gallery in Loughborough Town Hall there will be a selection process to ensure a quality exhibition. All members who wish to take part will have at least one print in the exhibition.

b. There will be a General Meeting in the Autumn. Rosemary Watson will make a 

              presentation of her work at that meeting and will be paid, as per agreement at a   

              previous meeting of the Steering Group.

c. Other than this payment to Rosemary it was unanimously agreed that in future members  will give their time and expertise for free.

d.  Jean  said she would call some smaller, informal meetings with group members, in free  small venues, for anyone interested in discussing specific, print related topics.

         Jean asked if this was a fair summary of the important points of this meeting. This was 


5. Forthcoming Events

    Jean Brookes briefly outlined forthcoming events from a poster. Events in 2023,

    2024, and 2025. Events at Dronfield Barn have been booked for 2024 and 2025, simply 

    because they require booking in advance to get the best ‘slots’. In 2025, for example, our 

    exhibition will coincide with the Christmas lights switch on.

   Susan Unwin commented that the dates for events on the website in the article ‘Celebration of 

   2022 were either incorrect or confusing. Jean said she would check this out.

    Barbara  Goodchild asked if the list would be emailed to members. Jean assured her that this 

   would be  the case

  Linda Green explained the workings of the 20:20 Print Exchange for new members present.

6. Members of the Steering Group for 2023-2024.

Prior to discussing the structure of the new committee Jean Brookes outlined a new role, that of Artistic Adviser.This person would basically arbitrate on any artistic issues arising in the group.

He/she would  have a leading role in any selection processes agreed by the group and also choose the sample of the group’s work to be submitted to galleries when we apply for exhibition space. Peter York has been in this role unofficially for several years and was therefore invited to be official Artistic Adviser. He has agreed to do this role up to the Buxton Exhibition.

The following structure of the new steering group was agreed.

  • Chair. Jean Brookes.
  • Secretary. Jo Pye.
  • Exhibitions Coordinator. Sarah Burgess. Sarah will stand down at next AGM.
  • Artistic Adviser. Peter York. (see above)


The following positions remain to be filled.

a.Publicity coordinator. If this role is not filled plan B is that event leaders will either handle their own publicity or appoint a member of their team to do so. The new chair will overview.

A discussion ensued about the ‘promotions and publicity’ document, previously sent to members to inform a ‘would be’ publicity coordinator and to suggest further development in this area if members volunteered to do a small job as members of several suggested teams. 

Jean pointed out that ‘promotion and publicity’ was the most important task that we undertake. We could have the best prints and the best venue but unless we have foot fall we will not sell our works.

Jean went through an enlarged version of the document mentioned above.

There were several sheets on the side bench under the document with the hope (at a larger meeting) that we would get volunteers in the following areas.

  • A traditional media team to investigate local media outlets for advertisements and articles. Also to update a list of these outlets.
  • A poster team.
  • Official photographers for events they attend.
  • People willing to help at promotional stalls.
  • A web team

      Jean explained the importance of having multiple posters (or even posts, videos, reels)

      To help the social media team and the web person post regularly and with variety.

      A selection of photographs also helps in this way.

      The individual effort to aid promotion and publicity were stressed as important.

       Discussion took place around the document

       Susan Unwin made a plea that people would retweet the tweets on the SP twitter.

       Thank you to Angela Harpham who volunteered to be official photographer at the Walled 

       Garden event and help on the promotional stall at the same event . 

       Please email Jean if  you wish to volunteer in any of these areas but could not attend the 


b.Membership Secretary. Peter will continue with this job for the next few weeks to ensure that all 2023 subscriptions are paid. He will email members to ensure they have paid and therefore will continue with their membership or the converse. After this time the new chair will take this role.

c.Treasurer. A meeting of the steering group will take place ASAP to discuss this vacancy. The chair will take over in the short term.


  1. Jean Brookes made the following proposals to be put to the whole membership.
  • Members agree to allow that their published prints/works can be used by other members for, and solely for, promotion and publicity of Sheffield Printmakers.

This to be put to all members for their agreement. This was agreed.

  • The proposal above be incorporated into the form filled in by new members when they join.  This was agreed.
  • That the members of Sheffield Printmakers should freely share email addresses for communication. This was not agreed.

 Actions Arising from this meeting.

  • Condolence card to be sent to Jo Pye by chair.  Done.
  • Linda  is to investigate the possibility of an external speaker at a future meeting.
  • Jean  to email the members a list of upcoming events. 
  • Jean is to check dates of upcoming events on the website.
  • Jean to email members for permission to use all their images for promotion and publicity.
  • Peter will email all members to check that they wish to retain their membership and have paid by direct debit or bank transfer.
  • Jean is to put a copy of the minutes of the AGM 2022 in members area of website.

Annetta Lambert (acting ex-officio secretary)

Jean Brookes.