Annetta Lambert


I started printing about six years ago, whilst in retirement, having always been interested in other aspects of art. I have throughout my life enjoyed painting, drawing and general crafting etc, but had never tried printmaking. I attended Peter York’s workshops for a couple of years where I mainly concentrated on lino print and intaglio with perspex plates. I really enjoyed both processes and found that cutting into a block or etching onto a perspex sheet very relaxing and calming.

I have recently started printing again at home, both intaglio and relief but using the old fashioned method of pressing with a small baren or a spoon. The results are very unpredictable but when I manage to pull a good print it is extremely rewarding and always great fun.

My prints tend to be inspired by my love of nature, in particular flowers. I also enjoy planning and executing abstract designs. The black and white abstract print below is one of the early lino prints that I did at Peter’s.

I am still exploring and enjoying all aspects of printmaking like colour, techniques, subjects etc. and have not developed a particular style.