I started printmaking in 2014 and really enjoyed the challenge and process of lino and collagraph printing. There are so many ways to make a plate or add a ground, it is always exciting. I enjoy taking a mixed media approach, particularly with collagraph printing. I have had quite a long break from the work but now have my old press back and am ready to get going again with a lot of help from friends.I enjoy the camaraderie and the ‘making together’ of printmakers and have recently renovated an old engineering workshop in my garden. It is now set up as a printmaking workshop both for myself and as a community resource for workshops and as a drop in centre. The space can also be used as a gallery for exhibiting work.
It is early days yet but since September we have had some very lively sessions both with new and experienced printmakers. I have also recently rejoined Sheffield Printmakers and am looking forward to exhibitingwork with them again.
Jennie Merriman. 09. 11. 2023