Sally Brooks


Please click here for examples of my work.

Sheffield Printmakers has opened up lots of possibilities for me, as an artist, especially the chance to exhibit and sell work, to share best practice and to be inspired by other printmakers.

I have printed using various methods, including; linoprint, collagraph, drypoint and etching. Lino printing dominates my work as I find it often produces the effect I want to achieve.

Reduction lino printing is one process I use.  The method is to cut a small amount of lino away from the plate, using a  gouge or v-tool designed for the purpose. The first colour is applied and printed. Then more lino is cut away for the second and subsequent colours. I generally use no more than three or four colours.

I’m inspired by the natural world, especially plants, trees, animals and birds and the occasional human! I always start by making a drawing of the image I want to print, either directly from the subject or from a photograph. I then transfer the design onto the plate using duplicating paper.

I have had some of my prints transferred onto canvas bags and made into cards which, along with the prints, are for sale.

Please click on any image below for more details.
